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Updated: June 11, 2023


Make It Sacred

Context: I wrote the following in December 2014, in the midst of my trip around the world without flying.

It’s almost midnight as I’m writing this, on a Saturday night in Panama City. I began the day before sunrise on a sailboat in the Caribbean, could barely sleep a wink last night, seas were rough.

And now I’m about to fall asleep at the edge of the Pacific. I’ve crossed a whole country today, taken two buses and tried three different digs before ending up in this hostel I’m in, easily the worst I’ve ever stayed at — grungy showers, blocked sinks, busted mattresses — but everything else in this town was full so I had no choice.

I hadn’t showered in almost a week. I’m tired. I just want to close my eyes and shut out the sight of this shitty dorm room and go to sleep.

But I can’t.

Because I have to write for thirty minutes.

I have to write because not writing will cost me $1,000.

You see, I made it sacred.

I meet once a month with this Mastermind group I’m in, meet online and set goals. Goals that will make a big positive difference in our lives. My latest was to get back to writing regularly. I have to do at least thirty minutes a day and send a screenshot of my writing alongside a timer to the group.

If I miss so much as a day, I have to pay the group $1,000, to distribute as they please.

I was on that boat for five days, crossing the Caribbean from Colombia to Panama. And you best believe I wrote at least thirty minutes a day on there.

I had to.

I made it sacred.

This is why I’ve yet to succeed at the software business. I haven’t made it sacred. Success would be nice, but it’s not necessary.

Or rather, I haven’t made it necessary.

In fact, for the past three years or so, you could say that about my work life in general. Success hasn’t been necessary. I’ve been content just to scrape by.

But that’s coming to an end. It’s why I’m cutting short my trip, aiming to settle in one place for at least a year come June. I’ve got to make this work stuff sacred. Office hours. No bullshit long lunches or afternoon coffee with friends.

Make it sacred.

Just to be clear: I’m not saying you can’t succeed without making it sacred.

I blame my travel lifestyle for holding me back work-wise, but there are plenty of people out there who manage to travel like heroes and still thrive in the business world.

Good for them.

But I’m not talking black or white here. I’m talking about stacking the deck in your favor. Mine too.

And to do that, I need to make the work sacred. Just like I’ve made my writing sacred these past few weeks.

For you, maybe it’s something else.

Maybe it’s getting in shape. Maybe that’s a struggle for you.

Well ask yourself: have you made diet and exercise sacred? Have you made it absolutely necessary that you succeed? Or would it just be nice if it all worked out?

Nice isn’t good enough. You have to make it sacred. No “just this once” as you pass the donut shop. No skipping workouts because it’s raining out, or because you were out late last night, or because you have a bit of a headache.

Get your ass up and moving. Order the fucking salad.

Make it sacred.

Maybe you want to learn a language. But do you really want it or just kind of want it?

I’ve only kind of wanted it for the past few years. My Spanish isn’t near as good as it should be given that I’ve spent several months living in Spanish-speaking countries.


Because I haven’t made it sacred. I haven’t gone out of my way to have regular speaking practice. I haven’t hired a personal tutor. I haven’t done a whole bunch of things that would have put me way ahead of where I am now.

Making it sacred means cutting out a bunch of other shit. You have to choose. You can have anything you want in life, but you can’t have it all at the same time.

There’s a story about Charlie Munger, one of the richest men in America. An employee came to him asking for help. Charlie asked the guy to write out the ten things he most wanted to accomplish in the next ten years.

“Write them out and prioritize them, one through ten.”

The guy did and came back with the list. Charlie took it, circled the top three and said…

“Focus on these. Forget the rest.”

That’s not easy. But that’s how you really succeed at something.

You make it sacred. Cut the fluff and focus.

My thirty minutes are up. I kept it sacred, made it another day.

Let’s do it again tomorrow.

About The Author
Niall Doherty – Founder and Lead Editor of eBiz Facts Born and raised in Ireland, Niall has been making a living from his laptop since quitting his office job in 2010. He's fond of basketball, once spent 44 months traveling around the world without flying, and has been featured in such publications as The Irish Times and Huffington Post. Read more...

12 thoughts on “Make It Sacred”

  1. It’s humbling and inspirational to see that despite your recent displays of successes (finishing your trip, improving your finances, having a plan), you keep a critical eye on your behaviours and activities.

    Okay, I’m not gonna miss my workout this time!

  2. Man, I’ve heard your Spanish, and it absolutely does not suck! I think there is something to be said for learning enough to get by, there are lots of things to do in life and language learning to the point of being perfectly fluent means quite a lot of work, dedication, and dropping of other hobbies.

    All I hear about Ireland is how crappy and dreary the weather always is and your videos are full of sunny blue skies. Methinks there is some kind of conspiracy going on…

    • It was actually raining a bit 10 minutes before I shot that video πŸ™‚ But this time of year is generally quite nice in Ireland, if a bit chilly.

      And yeah, I hear you on the language learning. There is a tipping point where it doesn’t make sense to invest a lot more time and energy in trying to improve. But I think that’s a long way off for me and Spanish.

  3. Thank you, Niall! Yesterday, I turned down a very tempting offer of a 10 day romantic adventure, exploring the wilderness of Maine with a man I’d met a couple of weeks ago. An arborist who was staying here to help with tree work, and we got to spend a lot of time together. He gifted me a book which inspired a deep commitment in me to continue on my path. The trip is not a missed opportunity – it’ll come around again. Creating a sustainable life style for myself in an earthy-crunchy, tree-hugging way along in a community I’ve grown to love cannot wait.

    I admire your dedication to writing for 30 minutes each day and witnessing the results has inspired this commitment in me too ~ Laura

  4. You rock. I hope you continue to share with us on the next chapter of your (continuing) Sacred Adventure . . . grateful for you . . . -g-


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